“Brain to super brain with world’s best CLP”
About CLP
Cognitive Learning Program is uniquely designed for every Grade from Pre kg – 8th to know student’s performance in core 5 skills.

5 Brain Development “Cognitive Learning Programs”

Here a few ways which can work better when it comes on improving the memory of children by playing games on CLP(Memory)

Visual Programming
While kids don’t outgrow visual processing issues ,there are ways to help them compensate for there challenges and there are things you can do to help by playing games on CLP(Visual Processing)

Focus & Attention
Those of you who do continue reading,you will find seven tips to help you improve your focus and attention ,hopefully becoming a more efficient and productive individual at home and at work by playing games on CLP(Focus and Attention)

Problem Solving Skills
Children are natural problem solvers and early childhood settings -where children interact with one another and participate in decision making -offer countries opportunities for children to grow in their problem solving abilities .Think logically and creatively , and act accordingly by playing games on CLP(Problem Solving)

The development of language skills in children is a process that starts at birth and continues for several years but is most concentrated during the first five years of a child’s life. In these early years, the brain is rapidly developing as it takes in and attempts to make sense of many sights and sounds. Improve this skill by playing games on CLP (Linguistic).